MILLIONS are escaping worn-out lifestyles, big city limits, and politics as usual... 

..building better lives, closer to nature — with more space for creativity, learning, health and play.

Join Us In The Great Escape. 

Follow Along

We have Telegram for multi-topic discussion, Substack is our newsletter and podcast, LinkedIn for professional networking, and there's Twitter too.

A Question of Regeneration

Are you watching the growing trend of rejecting meaningless stress that surrounds us in typical city life with high living costs, rabid consumerism, countless strangers, and barely enough time for self or significant others? 

It goes something like this: 

Early Morning Alarm --> Work For Someone Else --> Life Admin & Daily Chores --> Squeeze In A Bit Of Entertainment or Self-Education --> Then Late to Bed --> And Repeat The Next Day. 

...Day after day. Year after year. For decades until deliverance. 

Now here comes…

A Total Rethink of Modern Lifestyle Options 

An infinitely better quality of life has arrived. 

So pack up your belongings, don’t delay, and join us at Camazotz Collective properties somewhere around the world - or start connecting with us online today! 

Join the millions escaping old-life-strife today, plus many more who will make the decision to escape soon, in creating new lifestyle and economic opportunity beyond life-as-usual.

Find your new spot in regenerative locations for a better pace of life, a healthier environment in which to work, live, raise a family, or better connect with self and community. 

If you feel as we do:

That a better future awaits us all by co-living with nature, spending most of our time away from soulless cities (unless they are hyper focused on regeneration), we welcome you to Camazotz Collective.

Join the discussions today. 

Get Involved

We have Telegram for multi-topic discussion, Substack is our newsletter and podcast, LinkedIn for professional networking, and there's Twitter too.

We've also starting a meetup group for regular online events, and hope to begin in-person events around the world via our ambassador program soon. Camazotz Collective Meetups.

Our name 'Camazotz' derives from the ancient Mayan bat-god (likened to our modern day batman), who operates from the shadows — a terrifying, disruptive force that threatens to end the corruptions of mankind, for humanity to rise anew.

An ancient symbol for the cycle of death and rebirth. A clean slate. A fresh start. Truly a terrifying thought for some. A welcome adventure for others. 

Here’s Your Suitability Test

Given the choice...

Life As Usual

A Life Of Regeneration

...would you live in a noisy city surrounded by neighbors you barely ever speak to, with the typical '9 to 5' lifestyle — even if it has some handy benefits such as easy access to the mall... 

...or would you choose to live closer to nature, with like-minded neighbors who share your values and interests? 

Taking it a step further...

What if those like-minded neighbors held regular events, shared business or other creative pursuits, enjoyed entertainment or healthful activities together? 

And what if we had a global organization of collaborators who share their research on the latest innovations that make life more fun, healthier and easier? 

We call the concept…

Co-Living with Nature

Concept design by Mexican architects

A new mode of sharing life with like-minds, immersed in natural surroundings, supported by cutting-edge tech and collaborative community. 

An escape from the status quo: with new hobbies, new habits, new opportunities, new forms of communication, new perspectives on work life balance. 

If this sounds like a better life to you, participate in Camazotz Collective as we support individuals, groups and communities around the world in exploring those possibilities for co-living with nature.


We have Telegram for multi-topic discussion, Substack is our newsletter and podcast, LinkedIn for professional networking, and there's Twitter too.

Join us on a group video meetup.

Things We Like: 

  • Architecture focused on wellness and beauty with large open spaces, lots of natural light, built with modern forms of healthy bio-construction — not the overbearing concrete of obsolete drab cities now in neglected decline 
  • Caring community neighbors and event opportunities — not a hippy commune of co-dependents, but a community of respectful and independent individuals
  • Low tax livable incomes and shared profit-pool opportunities — untangling our dependence on corrupt and oppressive tax regimes that seem to feed war more than they serve citizens
  • Local, healthy, fresh food options (regenerative agriculture and permaculture) — with far less of the processed food diets of a typical city existence
  • Networking, collaboration and caring support shared between like-minded individuals — instead of restricting your social circle to just a few best buddies and a whole boat load of mere 'acquaintances'
  • Waking up each day within the serenity of a lifestyle of your own choosing — instead of a daily commute through traffic or dropping your backside into a home-office chair 

What We Do: 

Challenge our own status quo while finding common ground to map our options and plan our great escape 

Learn and share ideas, techniques and experiences for transitioning from city dependence to rural abundance

Stay up-to-date with the pros and cons of smart-tech innovation to make life more comfy, more fun, more productive (such as renewable energy, low effort healthy agriculture, landscape architecture with bio-construction, virtual reality communications, bio-sensors, and so much more) 

Take trips to real-life meetings, events, community venues and co-living locations, where relationships are built and new friendships forged that could lead to radically new lifestyle choices

Our Starting Point

The first official Camazotz Collective project is Camazotz Finca: a 45 hectare (110 acres, 70 soccer pitches, 1.25 km long and 0.25 km wide) piece of the Yucatan jungle in Mexico, just 2 hours drive from the likes of Cancún and Tulum.

A finca is Spanish for country estate. It’s currently more ‘country’ than ‘estate’ with very few building structures yet on site. 

The project will move from phase to phase beginning with short-term hospitality for glamping (glamorous camping), upgrading step-by-step to provide cabins built with locally sourced materials, regular retreats and other event hosting, plus longer term co-living opportunity with custom designed private villas. 


We are planning ahead with a local architect to build the first 'micro village' on the property using super-adobe dome concepts like these: 

The Future 

We don’t claim to know how Camazotz Collective will take shape exactly. But we do know it’s an idea whose time has come. 

  • Some people need this. For personal sanity or financial stability, big cities don’t treat many people well. 
  • Others simply want it. A much higher quality of life. Genuinely friendly neighbors. Like-minded people to share good times with.

In a nutshell we call it ‘co-living with nature’: better neighbors, more natural surroundings, work life balance — opportunity for a new and better lifestyle. You can help us get there. 

Follow our journey, contribute ideas, and join us in the great escape. 


We have Telegram for multi-topic discussion, Substack is our newsletter and podcast, LinkedIn for professional networking, and there's Twitter too.

4 Ways To Be Involved

1. Participate

Explore ideas and participate by adding to our collaborative vision-map

2. Invite

Invite people who might be interested in Camazotz Collective to read this webpage. 

3. Contribute
  • Become a Patron — if you are in a position to help economically - we need to fund infrastructure and branding. 
  • Become an Ambassador — if you are keen to advocate for what we aim to achieve. Perhaps you can connect us with potential collaborators and grow our network — participate in our upcoming Ambassador election. 
4. Govern

If you have experience with decentralized governance, whether through modern DAO-type communities, or In-Real-Life intentional communities, we would love to welcome you to our governing council. 


We have Telegram for multi-topic discussion, Substack is our newsletter and podcast, LinkedIn for professional networking, and there's Twitter too.


Is this a DAO with NFT's? 

No, but for those in the know, we certainly don't rule out the use of DAO tooling and governance if we can find the right governance teams and advisors. As for NFT's, we do love expensive jpegs just as much as the next degen, so if you have a knack for non-fungibles, get in touch. 

Is this an ICO, INO, IEO or even an IPO? 

No, but we are in favor of tokenomics models that distribute incentives of financial reward and stakeholder governance, so watch this space. 

Is this a 'node in the network state'? 

Yes, 100%. The online book The Network State describes the vision we have for how mankind's transitions into a new format for civilization. 

Is this like CabinDAO, CityDAO, or other land-based community projects like X, Y, Z? 

Yeh, for sure, there are dozens if not hundreds of relevant projects all 'building nodes in the network state' and we believe those combined efforts are vital for the transition from centralized governance to decentralized governance with minimum confusion and suffering in the coming decade. We welcome all such groups as honorary members under the umbrella concept of Camazotz Collective, just as our crew participates in as many other project communities as we have time for. 

Is this a cult? 

Where cult is the root of culture, yes. Where cult means brainwashing people into believing things that are harmful to them, absolutely not. We seek independent thinkers who become more autonomous (free to choose and self-empowered) than ever before. 

Is this a spiritual or climate change movement? 

In a sense, yes to both spiritual and climate change. But we aim to rise above superficial dogmas and biases, beyond the shenanigans of politicized propaganda that is being used today in support of global elite agendas. We aim to break the stranglehold of The Establishment, move beyond the left / right paradigm of politics, and help us both tolerate and appreciate the authentic differences that exist among our diversity of personalities, cultures, belief systems, value systems, and lifestyle preferences. Live and let live. Just don't tread on me or my neighbors. 

Can I invest? 

We are not set up for investments as yet, and don't know at what point that may become relevant. We are certainly keen to discuss how to fully fund our collective ambitions to support as many people as people to gain freedom of choice to co-live amongst like-minds with a more healthy and natural lifestyle. 

Who is involved? 

A few of the current core collaborators on Camazotz Collective include Gavriel Shaw, [and more to be listed soon].

What are the priorities? 

We need help with landscape planning, physical community planning, online community building, and so much more as you’ll see from the vision-map, planning and discussion page.


We have Telegram for multi-topic discussion, Substack is our newsletter and podcast, LinkedIn for professional networking, and there's Twitter too.

“We are all blind until we see
That in the human plan 
Nothing is worth the making 
If it does not make the man. 
Why build these cities glorious 
If man unbuilded goes? 
We build the world in vain 
Unless the builders also grow.”
- Edward Markham
